The workshop is dedicated to establishing the interconnections between young researchers from different research groups and fields at ICRR.
Connection details
For this year's IYSW we are going to use the zoom. Please use the following link:
Zoom URL: https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/82099972833?pwd=c2Z1MDdFRUlyUnlMUGF0cG91dk54QT09
The workshop will be held in hybrid style. Onsite rooms will be prepared at ICRR building and Kamioka. They will be connected via zoom.Participants can connect to zoom, but people are expected to attend the workshop in onsite rooms.
The workshop will be held in the following manner: each session will consist of a set of short review talks from ICRR research groups. After the general talks, all the participants will be distributed in the separate rooms, where 4-5 young researchers plus a person from a research group giving an overview talk will be given some time for questions and discussions. The rooms will be shuffled in such a way that each young researcher will interact with each research group thus exchanging views and ideas in the most convenient way.
There is a possibility to participate in all or some of the sessions, and there will be two sessions on each of the days of the workshop.
The discussion will be held in the breakout room. You can find the room assignment in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J9piokVMZmFmtZZOpxzLlNbEF2XGYV7wwnFu7ReB4mQ/edit?usp=sharing
The presentation slides will be available in
Postdocs, project assistant professors and assistant professors.
Faculty members.