ICRR young researchers' workshop

Large Seminar Room 601 (Kashiwa) / ***** (Kamioka) (Kashiwa / Kamioka)

Large Seminar Room 601 (Kashiwa) / ***** (Kamioka)

Kashiwa / Kamioka



The workshop is dedicated to establishing the interconnections between young researchers from different research groups and fields at ICRR.

Connection details

For this year's IYSW we are going to use the zoom. Please use the following link:

Zoom URL: https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/82682663636?pwd=RldZVWMrcUtuc3Q2QUljaFdRYk1xdz09


The workshop will be held in hybrid style. Onsite rooms will be prepared at ICRR building and Kamioka. They will be connected via zoom.Participants can connect to zoom, but people are expected to attend the workshop in onsite rooms.

The Kashiwa venue can accommodate a maximum of 35 participants, while the Kamioka venue can accommodate a maximum of 20 participants. There is no limit to the number of participants for online participation. If the number of participants reaches the venue limit, only online participation may be accepted.

There is a possibility to participate in all or some of the sessions, and there will be two sessions on each of the days of the workshop.


The presentation slides will be available in 



Please give us your feedback for the workshop. You can go to the Questionnaire at the following URL.




Postdocs, project assistant professors and assistant professors.


Faculty members.

  • Atsushi Mizuno
  • Chisato Koyama
  • Darkhan Tuyenbayev
  • Hideyuki Tagoshi
  • Hiroya Umeda
  • Hitoshi Oshima
  • Ievgen Vovk
  • Jiro Shimoda
  • Joshua Baxter
  • Jun Kameda
  • Kaoru Takahashi
  • Kazumasa Kawata
  • Kazuya Kobayashi
  • Keishi Hosokawa
  • Keitaro Fujita
  • Kosuke Nishiwaki
  • Kozo Fujisue
  • Marcel Strzys
  • Marcos Anzorena
  • Masahiro TAKEDA
  • Nami Uchikata
  • Ryota Goto
  • Ryuji Takeishi
  • Sei Kato
  • Seisho Abe
  • Shoichi Oshino
  • Shunsuke Sakurai
  • Soichiro Morisaki
  • Suyog Garg
  • Tatsuya Narikawa
  • Teruyoshi Kawashima
  • Tomohisa Kawashima
  • Tomoki Wada
  • Yo Kusafuka
  • Yongming Liang
  • Yuichi Harikane
  • Yuto Ichinose