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23-28 May 2022
GatherTown and ZOOM
Asia/Tokyo timezone
Workshop has started! The recorded video is available in the GatherTown.

During the last observation period, gravitational wave detectors have discovered an impressive number of events, and reduced upper limits on expected but yet undiscovered sources. Improved detectors are currently being commissioned and will soon be ready for another one-year data collection. In the mean time, preparation work for the next generation observatories is picking up pace.
The improvement of gravitational wave detectors’ sensitivity has been uneven. Good results have been obtained for quantum noise reduction and a significant progress in coating thermal noise is expected. However, the low-frequency noise has been for many years well above the design level. For this year workshop, held again virtually only, the low-frequency sensitivity of ground based interferometers will be the central subject, covering topics from the scientific motivation for low frequency, to the current status of noise sources, and plan for diagnosis, mitigation and possibly suppression by design.

There are 2 sessions per day and each session is for 2 hours. No parallel sessions. No pre-recorded talks. There are 3 poster sessions and each poster is presented at one of the sessions. We will use ZOOM for oral presentations and GatherTown for poster presentations. 

We have increased the poster sessions this year as we think more interactive discussions would be possible with GatherTown. While all the oral sessions are dedicated to the low-frequency sensitivity, any subject is welcome in the poster session. We expect many of you to give a presentation there.

The registration opens from April 1st through May 15th and the abstract submission deadline is April 30th. The registration fee is 2800 JPY (~23 USD) per person, which mainly covers the fee to use GatherTown. The ZOOM and GatherTown information will be sent to those who completed the registration and payment. (Do not forward the information to others.)

GatherTown and ZOOM