23-28 May 2022
GatherTown and ZOOM
Asia/Tokyo timezone
Workshop has started! The recorded video is available in the GatherTown.

Gravitational wave sources in the low frequency region and their distances

24 May 2022, 13:30
GatherTown and ZOOM

GatherTown and ZOOM

Poster presentation Science cases related to GW at low frequencies Poster session I


Pulsars are expected to be strong sources of low frequency gravitational waves in ground based interferometers. The knowledge of their distances is a key parameter to estimate the gravitational emission. The pulsar distances are usually estimated using dispersion measure. The Gaia data release provides information on the distance, kinematic and photometric properties of nearly two billions astronomical sources, among them some pulsars and accreting neutron star systems.
The Gaia based distances of some systems relevant for gravitational astronomy will be discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Rosa Poggiani (University of Pisa)

Presentation Materials

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