23-28 May 2022
GatherTown and ZOOM
Asia/Tokyo timezone
Workshop has started! The recorded video is available in the GatherTown.

Estimating the Newtonian noise of groundwater at the KAGRA

27 May 2022, 13:30
GatherTown and ZOOM

GatherTown and ZOOM

Poster presentation Missing issues for low frequencies Poster session III


Changes due to gravitational waves are very small, so noise is generated due to various factors. KAGRA was built 300 meters underground to reduce ground vibrations. The groundwater generated underground is discharged through pipes. The gravity gradient generated by the universal gravitation force due to the oscillation of the water surface through the pipe may cause the mirror of KAGRA to shake and become a noise to the target sensitivity of KAGRA.
Our experiment was conducted using the simulation software Flow-3D in order to know the magnitude of Newtonian noise. The Newtonian noise was evaluated by calculating the waveform of the flowing water.

Primary author

Takanori Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)


Kentaro Somiya (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Presentation Materials

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