zhaofeng kang
In the standard model (SM), Higgs lepton-flavor-violating (LFV) decay is absent and thus it is a good probe to new physics. In this article we study a type of new physics that could lead to large Higgs LFV decay, i.e., leptophlic dark matter (DM) specified by the particle property of DM (a Majorana fermion) and DM-SM mediators (scalar leptons). Different than other similar setups, here we introduce both the left-handed and right-handed scalar leptons. They allow for large LFV in Higgs decay and thus may explain the tentative Br$(h\ra\tau\mu)\sim1\%$. In particular, we find that the stringent bound from $\tau\ra\mu\gamma$ can be naturally avoided. Aspects of relic density and especially radiative direct detection of the leptonic DM are also investigated.
Primary author
zhaofeng kang