26-30 October 2015
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Invited talk: Direct measurements of cosmic-rays in GeV-TeV

26 Oct 2015, 11:00
Room 5.6 ()

Room 5.6

Plenary session Plenary talks


Dr Sadakazu Haino (Institute of Physics, Acadmia Sinica, Taiwan)


Energy spectra of cosmic-rays in GeV-TeV region have been directly measured by balloons and in space. Particularly cosmic-ray antiparticles can provide unique opportunity to study fundamental physics such as indirect searches for Dark Matter and understanding of its nature. More than four years after AMS (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) start taking data on the ISS (International Space Station), the precision has been decreasing to % level. In my talk brief history of direct measurements is summarized and the latest AMS results and their physics implications are discussed.

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