26-30 October 2015
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Implications of simulated Milky Way-like haloes for dark matter direct detection

27 Oct 2015, 14:00
Room 2 ()

Room 2

Oral presentation Dark matter searches (direct and indirect) Dark Matter


Nassim Bozorgnia (University of Amsterdam)


There is significant astrophysical uncertainty in the interpretation of data from dark matter direct detection experiments, due to the poorly known dark matter distribution at the position of the Sun. I will discuss the local dark matter density and velocity distribution of Milky Way-like galaxies obtained from the high-resolution EAGLE hydrodynamical simulations. To make reliable predictions for direct detection searches, we identify simulated haloes which satisfy the Milky Way observational constraints. Using the dark matter distribution obtained for the selected Milky Way-like simulated haloes, I will present an analysis of current direct detection data.

Primary author

Nassim Bozorgnia (University of Amsterdam)


Carlos Frenk (Durham University) Francesca Calore (University of Amsterdam) Gianfranco Bertone (University of Amsterdam) Mark Lovell (University of Amsterdam) Matthieu Schaller (Durham University)

Presentation Materials